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Welcome to the Dark Ages


    European Author Douglas Murray has written a cautionary tale about the bleak future for Europe and European culture in his book, The Strange Death of Europe.

    The situation he describes in great detail is more than just the death of a culture, but a suicide brought about by politically correct politicians, bureaucrats and compliant journalists, who ignore and hide ugly facts in order to advance a delusional philosophy. Sound extreme? Or maybe even familiar?

    I am always wary of political books that sacrifice important detail to make their point. This does not appear to be one of them. Murray is extremely sympathetic to the refugees fleeing for their lives from the bloodshed that marks their world. But he is also sympathetic to the people of Europe, who are seeing their culture and values being rudely shoved aside for what their leaders deem the greater good. In the process, democracy has been largely replaced by political leaders and a deep-state bureaucracy that controls the schools, the press, and much of the debate.

    Opponents are branded as racists and fascists, and are marginalized by authorities.

    Many of the author’s conclusions are esoteric. He says that Europe is in a state of ennui that dates back more than 100 years to the idea that there is no God. As the idea spread, so has the character of the people, he says. People have attempted to replace God with art and music, but in the end are left with the purpose of life being to enjoy themselves and their friends and family.

    The Islamic culture, on the other hand, believes deeply in God and has been killing one another for centuries over right and wrong as they perceive it. To insult Allah is to insult their beliefs. And although the first Muslims to come to Europe came as refugees from war, Murray says, the later waves are dominated by folks just looking for a better life and standard of living.

    There’s nothing wrong with that, but it overwhelms a system of government benefits that was funded over many years by working Europeans. The newcomers typically bypass poorer countries to pick nations with the best health and welfare benefits.

    European Author Douglas Murray has written a cautionary tale about the bleak future for Europe and European culture in his book, The Strange Death of Europe.

    The situation he describes in great detail is more than just the death of a culture, but a suicide brought about by politically correct politicians, bureaucrats and compliant journalists, who ignore and hide ugly facts in order to advance a delusional philosophy. Sound extreme? Or maybe even familiar?

    I am always wary of political books that sacrifice important detail to make their point. This does not appear to be one of them. Murray is extremely sympathetic to the refugees fleeing for their lives from the bloodshed that marks their world. But he is also sympathetic to the people of Europe, who are seeing their culture and values being rudely shoved aside for what their leaders deem the greater good. In the process, democracy has been largely replaced by political leaders and a deep-state bureaucracy that controls the schools, the press, and much of the debate.

    Opponents are branded as racists and fascists, and are marginalized by authorities.

    Many of the author’s conclusions are esoteric. He says that Europe is in a state of ennui that dates back more than 100 years to the idea that there is no God. As the idea spread, so has the character of the people, he says. People have attempted to replace God with art and music, but in the end are left with the purpose of life being to enjoy themselves and their friends and family.

    The Islamic culture, on the other hand, believes deeply in God and has been killing one another for centuries over right and wrong as they perceive it. To insult Allah is to insult their beliefs. And although the first Muslims to come to Europe came as refugees from war, Murray says, the later waves are dominated by folks just looking for a better life and standard of living.

    There’s nothing wrong with that, but it overwhelms a system of government benefits that was funded over many years by working Europeans. The newcomers typically bypass poorer countries to pick nations with the best health and welfare benefits.


    For centuries, the Muslims attempted to overrun Christian Europe, but were repeatedly turned back by military action. Now they are being invited in with open arms by European leaders. Murray says that although Muslims remain a minority in Europe, their birthrate is so much greater than that of ethnic Europeans, it is only a matter of a generation or so before they will represent the dominant political and cultural force.

    The author uses the familiar example of a ship, which over time is rebuilt as various parts wear out. The planks may be replaced one-by-one, the sails by an engine, the brass knobs by plastic. But it is an evolution. In a similar way, the blending of skills and culture strengthens and enhances society.

    In the case of Europe’s ship, however, the newcomers – with a culture that at least by Western standards devalues women, seeks to punish or even kill homosexuals, and has little tolerance for dissent – are on the way to becoming a majority of the population.

    It’s not a happy picture. The author holds out hope that the newcomers will adopt the Western ideas of tolerance in the generations to come. But in this pessimistic tome, it’s clear that he does not believe that to be the likely outcome.

    George Lee Cunningham

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