A place to share some words of beauty, inspiration, and life. It’s the fire season in California and today’s lyrics are all about burning. Burning with desire, burning with lust, burning with passion. The first song, by June Carter, was inspired by Johnny Cash. The two had an affair, while he was still married to another woman and the father of four children. But love conquers all, or is it just lust? The second song by the “Killer,” Jerry Lee Lewis is a song of passion, desire, and full-speed-ahead joy. And the last by Jim Morrison of the Doors, includes both lyrics and a poem that makes you remember just how silly the ’60s were and makes you wish – just a little – that you had never given up on recreational drugs. Click on the name of the piece to get a video or more information.
Love is a burnin’ thing
And it makes a fiery ring
Bound by wild desire
I fell into a ring of fire
I fell into a burnin’ ring of fire
I went down, down, down
And the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns
The ring of fire, the ring of fire
– Ring of Fire Singer: June Carter; Songwriters: June Carter & Merle Kilgore
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Too much love drives a man insane
You broke my will, oh what a thrill
Goodness gracious great balls of fire
I learned to love all of Hollywood money
You came along and you moved me honey
I changed my mind, looking fine
Goodness gracious great balls of fire
– Great Balls of Fire Singer: Jerry Lee Lewis; Songwriters: Jack Hammer & Otis Blackwell
The time to hesitate is through,
No time to wallow in the mire,
Try now we can only lose,
And our love become a funeral pyre.
Come on, baby, light my fire,
Come on, baby, light my fire.
Try to set the night on fire. Yeah!
PLUS “Graveyard Poem”
It was the greatest night of my life.
Although I still had not found a wife
I had my friends
Right there beside me.
We were close together.
We tripped the wall and we scaled the graveyard
Ancient shapes were all around us.
The wet dew felt fresh beside the fog.
Two made love in an ancient spot
One chased a rabbit into the dark
A girl got drunk and balled the dead
And I gave empty sermons to my head.
Cemetery, cool and quiet
Hate to leave your sacred lay
Dread the milky coming of the day.
– Light my Fire/Graveyard Poem Singer/Group: Jim Morrison, The Doors; Songwriters: John Densmore, Jim Morrison, Robby Krieger & Ray Manzarek