A place to share some words of beauty, inspiration, and fun. This week we are offering songs about Texas. Why Texas? Didn’t we just have some song about Texas a couple of weeks ago? What can I say? We like Texas. Click on the title of the song to get a video.
By the way, last week we put the wrong link on the Dixie Chick’s song about getting rid of a wife-beating scoundrel named Earl. Here is that missing link: Goodbye Earl
Amarillo by mornin’ Up from San Antone
Everything that I got, Is just what I got on
When the sun is high in that Texas sky, I’ll be bucking at the county fair
Amarillo by mornin’ Amarillo, I’ll be there
– Amarillo by Morning Singer: George Strait, Writers: Paul Alexander Fraser and Terry Stafford
When we dance together my world’s in disguise
It’s a fairyland tale that come true
And when you look at me with those stars in your eyes
I could waltz across Texas with you
– Waltz across Texas Singer: Ernest Tubb, Writer Talmadge Tubb
Let’s go to Luckenbach, Texas with Waylon and Willie and the boys
This successful life we’re livin’ got us feuding like the Hatfields and McCoys
Between Hank Williams pain songs and Newbury’s train songs and Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
Out in Luckenbach, Texas, Ain’t nobody feelin’ no pain
– Luckenbach, Texas Singer: Waylon Jennings, Writers: Chips Moman and Bobby Emmons