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October 12, 2019


Who reads books in America, and who does not? Pew Research breaks down the stats. See Report HERE

One of the most important figures in black literature died penniless and was buried in unmarked grave. Fascinating story about raise and fall of bigger-than-life literary giant. See More HERE

Ghettoside is a non-fiction book that examines in great detail the high rate of black-on-black homicides in the ghettos of Los Angeles. Author Jill Leovy did a remarkable job of covering both the human and the sociological implications of the problem using LAPD homicide detectives as the vehicle for her story of heartbreak, tragedy, and justice denied. See my REVIEW

Yuck! This is not a review, this is a warning. Don’t waste your time with this book. It’s stupid and boring. Don’t believe me? Just don’t say I didn’t warn you. See My REVIEW

September 11, 2019


HardScape is a mystery novel by Justin Scott, whose protagonist Ben Abbott is a disgraced Wall-Streeter who has returned home to run the same real estate office his father owned. Since HardScape came out in 1994, there are many references to the days of yore, which appeal to me, since I was around during the days of yore. Phone booths, camcorders, Wall Street raiders, takeover artists, and the end of one political era and the start of another. Abbott doesn’t understand women. Neither do I. He’s cynical about the world. So am I. So, what’s not to like? READ MORE